A special holiday season treat - members enjoy 3 CE credits plus lunch on the house!
Volunteer Leaders (members and non-members) can also join us at no cost.
Thank you for being a part of the Central Virginia Chapter, we appreciate you!
Join Us for Reserve Study Education at the Associa Community Group office!
What is a Reserve Study? You will hear a quick overview of a Reserve Study and why we need them.
Get the latest VA law update update, a board's fiduciary duty and the current legislation trends to be prepared for what is coming.
Learn the new CAI reserve study standards - why are there new standards and what does this mean?
Best practices on how to keep your Reserve Study current and what it means when you defer projects.
There will be a Q&A at the end so all your questions can be answered!
*This will be the last education of the year and your last chance in Central Virginia
to get prepared with your Reserve Study going into 2024*
Reserve Advisors